06.05.2011 Öö kulges uneta, küll aga pudises hommikupoolikul selline looke. Võtsin diktofoniga, et lugu "salve" jääks, kuniks aega korralikult salvestada, aga tuli niigi täitsa kenasti. Pealegi, diktofonisahin on uus vinüülisahin. Ja mis kõige vahvam – loo lõpu aitas sisse laulda ootamatu külalisesineja. Kes? Kuulake siit. Vahepeal sain maha ka loo "ametliku" versiooniga: by a girl with linen hair taught to walk the walk talk the talk the girl told me I was a doll stitched together from pieces she found lying around it seems my heart is made out of string and hay am I ever to find my way home or walk forever where the cold winds blow and is home just a feelin' in my heart not a house, for bricks they fall apart... ...hard on your back just like that limp around town see the people smile and frown see the king and see the queen what's my place in this ordeal? where's my mother? where's my home? what's this world where I roam? forget your town forget your fads I'll rather be a fisherman glinting buttons for eyes the world twists and flashes by as I spy with my little eye something beginning with I... ...'m a ragdoll fisherman the sea of dreams close at hand every night I cast my net into the Mandelbrot set ![]() |